Category Archives: Small Steps

Your Step Your Choice

Your Christian friend tells you to just accept what they’re telling you but it’s not that easy.  Change, especially in the spiritual realm can make a huge difference in day to day life and you’re not sure it’s going to work for you.  But there are some things that resonate in your heart about what they told you so what’s your next step?

Steps to Consider

Explore: Information is critical in making decisions and there’s no shortage of it out there when it comes to spirituality.  You could try searching online, finding a book to read, or asking some questions.

Listen: One on one conversations can be VERY helpful, so if you don’t feel comfortable continuing the discussion with your friend who ‘insists’ that you just need to believe, see if you can find another ear.  And being part of a group can be helpful too; especially because you can more easily just listen.  See if there might be something on Meetup or consider going to a local church, where you can sit in the back and just tune in to what’s being said.

Ponder: Using your thinking cap can give you insight when other methods don’t seem to be working.  Take what you know, let it run through your thoughts, and see what comes up.

Ask: You’ve got questions; maybe someone has the answers.  A good way to make the search less personal is to ask a stranger, like the pastor of a church in town or a student at a seminary.

Pray: If you’re already at the point of believing that God exists, asking Him for clarification or understanding might be the best place to start.  But what if you’re not sure about God?  Well, how about a prayer like this: “God, I don’t know for sure that you exist but if you do, I’ve got this question…could you provide an answer for me?”

What Do You Think

See yourself jumping into one of those ‘next steps’?  None are as easy as hoping into your car to go shopping but if you set your mind to something, the amount of ground you can cover may surprise you.

Some Small Step Options

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10 Roadblocks of Spiritual Journeys

Some journeys just don’t seem worth fighting around the roadblocks we encounter, especially, for some, the path leading toward Christianity.  There can be so much junk blocking our progress that going forward doesn’t look like much of an option and turning around and giving up appears to be the best alternative.

Below are ten road blockers that I’ve been able to identify.  Each on its own can be enough to make people want to shut down their travel and head home.  See if you’ve encountered any of the statements in your life and then read on for a few roadway tips.

  1. There’s no answer to the question I have
  2. I’ve asked questions before and been unsatisfied with the answer
  3. Issues in my life make me angry when I think of God
  4. The Bible doesn’t make any sense to me
  5. A Christian friend makes even less sense than the Bible
  6. I’m ridiculed because of what I believe
  7. I feel angry because of what others are trying to make me believe
  8. When I discuss spiritual issues, it seems others are just trying to win a point
  9. People don’t take my questions seriously
  10. My questions don’t get asked for fear of what the answer will be

Any of those can be enough to make a person wince and head in the opposite direction, but I think there are potential detours around them.  As in real driving situations, a detour may not always be the easiest or most direct route, but they’re designed to get the vehicle moving in the right direction.  So if you’re ready, read my…

Detour Suggestions

  • Drive Forward Carefully – Sometimes what seems at first like a roadblock may just be something you can drive around if you’re cautious.  Perhaps it’s not that there’s no answer to your question, but rather the answer is difficult to hear.  If you’ve not been satisfied with the answer you’ve received, perhaps look for someone else who you could ask.
  • Follow the Signs – Drivers are often in uncharted territory during a detour so watching the signs carefully can be very important.  Angry at God?  Consider talking to that friend who also has reason to be angry with God but seems to be dealing with it differently.  Is the Bible confusing?  Look for someone you know who seems comfortable with the contents of the book and perhaps they can direct you.
  • Stay Ready – The road crew sent to clear that fallen tree in front of you may be just around the bend.  That confusing Christian friend?  Don’t discard the friendship but perhaps look for another source of information about your questions.  Ridiculed for your beliefs?  It’s highly unlikely you’re experiencing a Christ-like response but I’ll bet there’s someone who would listen and respond with gentleness and respect.  The tough part is finding them.

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Caution – Daring Detour – For some this next suggestion could be a giant leap and I wouldn’t fault you for disregarding it, but I encourage you to read through it anyway as that might be a pretty small step in itself.

  • Ask for Help – If God exists (big ‘if’ for some) and love is at the center of his character (another big ‘if’), it makes sense he’d want to help.  Take the situation that’s rightfully bothering you and simply request, out loud or in thought, if he would help you find a way around that particular roadblock.

Bottom Lines

Basically, I’m saying Try Again! It’s easy to say and I realize it may be very difficult to do but there’s a chance this time could be different. And if you’re up for trying something a little audacious, take another look at the list above, identify where you are and then tell me about it.  If you take that suggestion, I’ll listen carefully and respond compassionately. It’s the least you deserve. After all, I think you are highly valued by God. That makes you important in my book too.